2000- Roland's Terrace Restaurant — EDGE DESIGN INSTITUTE LTD.

Site Context
It is a rather unusual site but special where indoors being embraced by outdoor terrace, hence becomes the name of the restaurant. Having three sides faced to outdoors but still bounded by the nearby buildings. It becomes one of the biggest issue and interest for the whole restaurant. The extreme low headroom contrasting with the outdoor open terraces becomes the major constraint of the site.

The interior is wrapped with timber louvre of different in-fill materials; aluminum, mirror or just void to emphasize the vertical surface wall treatment. It articulates the horizontal dimension of the interior, thus plays down the low ceiling height. Together with the outdoor terrace, it makes the restaurant feel more spacious. This “tone in tone” screen-wall forms the backdrop of the restaurant and it defines areas with different uses. The solid linear aluminum plate forms the inner entrance while the timber louvre wall forms the skin of the restaurant, whether indoor or outdoor. Wire-mash false ceiling with light hidden above is used to further soften the compressed feeling of the low headroom. It also gives a general indirect lighting to the whole restaurant.

Image Lighting
Light-boxes with images that are taken in Italy are scattered in the restaurant as part of the screen-wall. Some forms parapet wall that lead customers to the outdoor terrace. Some even becomes the entire bar counter. The image lighting is not only served as graphic screen-wall but also become one of the major lighting of the whole restaurant. At daytime, it is lighted up as daylight. When it comes to nighttime, it turns to lemon green that embraced oneself into a sensuous ambience, a catalyst that hopefully goes well with the sinuously tempting food and wine.

Folding glass partitions as interface of the outdoor terrace and the indoor give flexibility to the program of the restaurant. The outdoor terrace becomes a private party area when these glass partitions are all closed. However, customers can still have eye contact with the indoor. Besides, there are sliding screen-walls to partition the interior into guest rooms of varying size.