Sweet Sixty


Sweet Sixty

We all gathered to celebrate 60th birthday of Gary.


Community Hub for AmCham Opens at Duddell Street


Community Hub for AmCham Opens at Duddell Street

After fast-track 2 months construction work, Community Hub is finally opened to the public. Diverse settings which range from daily work settings to 80-seat seminar are made possible with a play of translucent glass partitions and moveable furniture.


Domestic Transformer Opens at M+


Domestic Transformer Opens at M+

1:1 scale replica of Domestic Transformer can now be viewed at M+ as part of the exhibition ‘Hong Kong: Here and Beyond.‘

November 12th 2021 - June 11th 2023


EDGE Selected as One of World Best 100 Architecture Firms by DOMUS


EDGE Selected as One of World Best 100 Architecture Firms by DOMUS

EDGE Design Institute Ltd. has been selected as one of the Best 100 Architecture Firms in the World in 2019 by the world-renowned architecture and design magazine - DOMUS. The selection was envisioned by the distinguished panel of former and current Editors-in-Chief of the magazine.


DFA Design for Asia Awards Goes to Private Music Studio


DFA Design for Asia Awards Goes to Private Music Studio

Congratulations to our design team for winning the DFA Design for Asia Awards 2016 (Environmental Design) with the Project Music Studio. Enoch Kwan and Hysan Lee has participated in the event to represent EDGE.

The key element of the project is the multi-functional space created by utilizing the double box approach. This double box approach features an enclosure within the already existing structure to methodically organize the ‘served’ and ‘service’ spaces. The “Outer Box”, which is mainly functional and conceals all services, provides all necessary fixed program for the served space – the “Inner Box” - allowing the latter to remain open and flexible for any desired activity. Hence all storage and services are concealed from the immediate eye, providing a perfectly clean, ample area for all sorts of activities one could imagine: practicing the drum set, dancing, feasting, sleeping, performances etc.


Private Music Studio Received A&D Trophy Award


Private Music Studio Received A&D Trophy Award

Congratulations to our design team for winning the A&D Trophy Award 2016 with Private Music Studio.

The project employs a unit in an industrial building as a private music studio and personal storage of the antiques and curios of the family collection. The design maximises the horizontality of space while allowing the flexible use of space to create a proportional space for the best possible acoustic outcome. Taking advantage of the double-height and thick concrete floor slab in an industrial building, the cost-effective design utilizes a double envelope of interlocking spaces. This double box approach features an enclosure within the already existing structure to methodically organize the ‘served’ and ‘service’ spaces. The “Outer Box”, which is mainly functional and conceals all services, provides all necessary fixed program for the served space – the “Inner Box” - allowing the latter to remain open and flexible for any desired activity.



Underside of the Moon Exhibited at IDFFHK


Underside of the Moon Exhibited at IDFFHK

Our ‘Underside of the Moon‘, a restyling of Glass Design®’s Luna 45 Basin, is on view at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre as part of Design Commune Exhibition from Aug 21st to Aug 23rd.


20th Anniversary


20th Anniversary

Our great delight is to have your wonderful presence at our Party on Dec 12th, a truly memorable gathering and reunion with our friends and relatives; ex-EDGE colleagues, and project collaborators.
